Sunday, April 22, 2012


One of the most surprising things that I realized this semester was that all this time I thought that believed in the behaviorist theory above all. After completing the learning theory matrix I realized that my own learning experience matched that of connectivism and constructivism.  I had also realized that the first time I learned these theories, I really didn’t learn them. Now I know, constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience, and connectivism views learning as a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources. Finding out this information has changed my entire outlook on the way I teach as well. I have now found multiple ways to reach my students, ways that I have not used before.
I now have the keys ways that I need to enhance the way I learn, and when I find information hard to ingest that I will tweak it into a different format that I know I can understand. Learning will become much easier now that I know my personal combination of learning patterns. I am always trying to connect what I am learning to my everyday life and now I know why. I believe that my retention level will increase as a result of realizing this. There have been many times that I learn information temporarily so that I am able to pass a test, and then right after the test I completely forget the information. It is like I always had the keys to success, but never realized it.
I have learned that learning theories give different views on how learners construct meaning during the learning process. Learning style is the type of method that a student uses to learn. Educational technology gives students a variety of ways to learn, and are not secluded to one style of teaching. Motivation is highly important in a classroom or online setting, and is the key to the success of a student. If the right amount of motivation is given, the learning environment will completely change in a positive way.
The most important things that I will take with me from this course were the learning strategies that we discussed. Learning strategies have nothing to do with each individuals learning style, so they can use they to digest any information. Knowing that you can teach someone an effective way to learn will improve their skill of learning and my ability to deliver information adequately. Along with teaching students proper learning strategies, the combination of motivation will improve the confidence beyond belief. If most students had the right tools to be successful, the world as a whole would be a better place.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Thoughts on Learning Theories

I have completely changed my view on learning theories and have realized that you can learn adequately through multiple. However, I believe that the social learning theory, connectivism, and constructivist theory suit me best now. I learn best when I connect new knowledge to old knowledge and through discussions. I learned in depth what each theory has to offer, that I did not know previously. Completing the learning theory matrix has really helped me differentiate the learning theories and styles.  I have also learned different ways to integrate technology into my classroom. I have also realized that I do not believe in the behaviorist theory like I had before.

Earlier on in this semester I stated, “Dr. Ormrod also stated that when you get information in two different ways it becomes much more memorable. I have always learned best when I am given a visual and verbal message to go along with what I am learning, and that is probably the reason why I retain the majority of what I learn. When I am learning something in class, I have to take down notes as well as write a diagram or picture to go along with their words.” This confirms my new learning theory choices of connectivism and constructivism. Constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past knowledge or experience. Connectivism views learning as a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources.

I am always trying to connect what I am learning to my everyday life. This helps me maintain a connection to the new material and my retention level becomes higher. Technology is most important in my learning process because I use it to research information, write my assignments, blog, and to discuss various educational ideas. I also use technology as a reference for any research that I may have to do which makes collaboration must easier to do.

Researching the multiple learning theories has made me realize my own and has assisted me in understanding why others think certain ways or learn in other ways. It has also given me a guide as to how to instruct learners of other learning styles.

Connectivism. (2011, August 2). Retrieved from

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Connectivism Concept Map

My learning environment was hard to construct because I never think about the different ways that I learn new things. I suppose I looked first toward my education and the courses that I have taken throughout my educational career, not realizing the many other ways I have learned. I have learned various information through media sources such as You Tube, my television, the internet, other classmate's blogs, and one of my favorite blogs sites E-Learning Heros. The internet has been a vital source in my learning especially when having to research new information or terms that I am not familiar with. Although we cannot believe everything that we read on the internet, there are still many reliable sources out there.

Another way I have learned would be through human interactions. I have learned through relationships, and conversations with relatives, colleagues, colleagues, professors, past mentors, acquaintances, academic coaches, and through journeys that I have taken in my life. The most effective of all of them would have to be the conversations with professors and colleagues because they have similar views to mine. However, I truly value those opinions from relatives and acquaintances who may have separates views from mine.

Lastly, my personal experiences have sculpted the way that I learn and what I have learned. I have learned through many educational workshops, college courses that I have taken, and through my being a mentor teacher. Being a mentor teacher has taught me how to view situations in another light versus the one way that I am used to thinking. I have become more sympathetic to struggles or concepts that are not easily understood by others.

Making a concept map to represent my learning environment was a good way to visualize the many influences that structure the way that I think and learn.