Sunday, March 11, 2012

Selective Attention in Vision

Selective Attention in Vision

One thing that can really affect the way a person learns would be their attention span.
Attention is the main topic of this study. It is not difficult to introduce this topic, because everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought Focalization, concentration, of consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others,… (James, 1890/1950, pp. 403– 4)

Some of us can sit down and watch a movie or multiple movies while others are ready to get up and move around after an hour. I think that in order to truly judge how well someone is processing information, you must first have their full attention to make sure that they understand what we will be talking about.
In this study that I read about the information that was study was that that was observably being input and then also they focused on the outputs that had to be observable. This article infers my belief is true in which we have to be able to see what someone is learning and monitoring what is being put into their minds in order to figure the true processing of information. In addition to that we all still have an uphill battle with mere attention spans in order to ingest new information and regurgitate it.


Van der Heijden, A. (1991). Selective attention in vision.

Information Processing

Information Processing

I completely agree with Piaget’s theories. As stated in this journal article, “Piaget made it clear that children learn through direct experiences and social interaction with peers. (Tracey, Morrow & Mandel, 2006)” I believe that this is how the majority of children learn successfully. Although we think that many times children learn from things they see, I think that it sticks in their memory more often than not if they are able to use or manipulate an object while learning new subject matter.

I have a couple of students in my class now whom have a hard time sitting still in the classroom and always need to be moving in order to stay focused on the information that we are learning. When I was growing up and still even now days teachers tend to assume that children need to be put on medication in order to keep their mind focused. However, what I have learned over the past year is that some people need something in their hands to play with in order to keep their minds off moving their bodies. I have allowed a couple of my students to have some sort of trinket that can stay in their hand or at their desk, which keeps their hands occupied, but they stay continuously focused on what I am teaching.


Tracey. , Morrow , D., & Mandel, L. (2006). Lenses on reading : An introduction to theories and models.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Supplemental Resources for Instructional Design

E Learning Heros
This is a website that primarily focuses on giving advice and sharing ideas about e Learning. This website provides forums which allows e Learning professionals to discuss new ideas and techniques that are being used in the field of technology. E Learning Heros also provides tutorials on practical techniques and strategies, and product specific tricks and know-how. They also provide pro-grade downloads that e-learning professionals often use for free.

Langevin Learning Services
This website offers training workshops for new and improving instructional designers, instructors, and managers. They also provide training for instructors to become more dynamic instructors.They provide three levels of certification for trainers. They also have a blog on the website that provides various topics regarding the instructional technology and design field. One of the most recent post was how to manage client expectations. You can post blogs in a specific section as well.You can post your thoughts in the instructor, designer, or manager discussion forum. Which makes it easier for someone to receive adequate feedback. 

Instructional Design Central
This website gives a listing of other blogs and websites that are related to the instructional design field. This website is useful for both students learning about the field of instructional design and for working professionals. The website also features job opportunities, where you can obtain an instructional design degree, instructional design conferences, and a forum for professionals alike. It also gives history on the profession of Instructional Design and how it began.